1 January 2021. 7:50am Sitting with my coffee doing some telekinesis training. If any of you are wondering what coffee I drink, it’s called ‘Gold’ 3 in 1 (instant coffee). Yes, you guessed right, I’m a coffee addict. 😊 Woke up later than usual today. Strange feeling today, because it’s the first day of the new year of 2021. I know dates and times are just a creation of humans, and are not real, but still, I will use them to my advantage as a way of measuring the progress of my life. So, 2021 is finally here. That means I have to level-up in the mastery of my mind. The last few weeks I’ve been making very noticeable changes in the area of mind mastery, and I’ve already levelled-up a great deal with regards to my day-to-day productivity. Life may be a game, but it’s a game I want to win. The competition is myself. I am competing with myself to become the best possible version of myself. I know what kind of potential I have inside me, and I want to release the potential to the fullest, both to prove to myself, and to prove to the world. We all have in our mind some idea of the potential that we think we are capable of achieving in life, and if we don’t strive to reach and fulfil our potential, then we are doing ourselves, and the world, a great injustice. It’s easy to be lazy in life, but to do each day what you know you should be doing, now that takes a disciplined mind. You know, last night (New Year's Eve), when everyone else in the villages around here were partying and getting drunk, I was sat at home playing video games (I love playing video games), but I want to share with you what I was thinking last night. Specifically, I was playing Skyrim, because I love to be a wizard/sorcerer. Anyway, I was thoroughly enjoying the game, but while playing, I was thinking to myself; ‘why am I sitting here using fictional magickal powers in a video game, and collecting fictional gold coins in a video game?’. Then I thought to myself, ‘This video game’s fun, but I want magickal powers in REAL life! I want to collect gold in REAL life’. And at that moment, I switched off the video game, and went downstairs to my office to focus on telekinesis training, and although the real-life TK training was not as fun as playing the video game (because the ping pong ball won’t move yet), I felt good inside because I had made the decision to focus on getting REAL results in my REAL life, not just in a fictional video game. I want to be able to shoot fire and electricity out of my hands in REAL life, not just in the video game, and the only way that’s ever going to happen, is if I train seriously for it in REAL life. So, while everyone else was being a ‘normal’ human and partying and drinking on New Year’s Eve, I was sat at home, in my office, doing my telekinesis training. And do you know what? That is the very best thing I could have been doing at that moment in time. The reason? Because I was actively working towards creating a reality that I REALLY want for my future life, which is to become the world’s most powerful telekinetic. I know I’m rambling a lot here, but I’m just trying to explain (in my own way) the seriousness of life. Yes, life is a game in many respects, but it is a game that you should play to WIN, and to win your own personal game of life, you absolutely need full control and mastery over your own mind, which is what I’m currently working on. Why am I telling you all this? Because as I strive to improve my own life, in all areas, I want YOU also to strive to improve YOUR own life too. We can all see the AWESOME version of ourself inside our own mind, what we could become if we really put our mind to it. If other people want to take life ‘casually’ that’s up to them, but for people like me, and hopefully people like YOU, we want the BEST out of life, and we’re willing to do what it takes, and strive to reach our FULL potential, and achieve REAL success in this world. Now let’s get to work and let’s KICK-ASS and WIN at this strange but very real thing we call LIFE! IT'S 2021 … LET’S GET IT!!! - Chris Zanetti
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31 December 2020.
7:48am Sitting with my coffee doing my usual telekinesis training. Only 2 more days to go before we begin the new year of 2021. I am aware more than ever that this coming new year I will need to step-up my game when it comes to supernatural powers. That means dedicating even more time to telekinesis & flight training. I also want to level-up in my chi blast skill so that I can knock down heavier objects. I know developing superpowers is a slow process, and I’ve got patience, but I also know that each day is an opportunity for training, even if it’s just 30 minutes training in telekinesis for example, because we never know when our next breakthrough is going to happen. The day you decide to skip telekinesis training, could have been the day that you were going to have a major breakthrough or ‘level-up’ in your TK abilities. That’s why training each day is important, no matter if it’s 10 minutes of training or 2 hours, the point is that we show dedication to our art. And what we do is an art. That’s why these abilities are called the supernatural arts. Any artist, no matter if it’s a painter or musician, should be practicing their art every day, and we are no different in that respect. People like you and me, we want to become masters of our art, and you only become a master in anything if you take it super-seriously and devote your whole life to it. That’s why 2021 is important for you and me, because it’s an opportunity to take our training and our devotion to the next level, a higher level. If we’re not growing or improving each year, even if only a little bit, then we’re doing something wrong. I know myself that I should be at a higher level by now. We have to take an honest look at ourselves, me especially, and be truthful in the fact that YES, we do need to dedicate more time to our supernatural training, and for those who cannot do this, then they have to accept the fact that perhaps they will never become a master in their chosen supernatural ability. I’m not trying to sound negative, but I want us to use the fresh new energy of the new year of 2021 to step-up our game. We can all be lazy sometimes, especially me. And I’m not saying that we have no more time for ‘fun’ in our life. That’s not the case. But we do need a good balance of work and play. Personally, I love playing video games. I love my Playstation 4, and playing video games is something that gives me great happiness, but I know I have to have balance in my life. I’ll talk more about video games another time :) I just feel that we know the fresh new year is coming, so why not use the high energy of the new year, 2021, like a surfer riding a wave, and allow the positive energy of the new year to carry us forward, with more hope and determination in our hearts that we can and will achieve our goals, and live a happy and fulfilling life. When I’m doing my telekinesis training with the ping pong ball, just because I can’t move the ball (with my mind) today, does NOT mean that tomorrow I won’t be able to. Tomorrow brings hope, and that’s why I continue on. I believe I can become a powerful telekinetic in the future, and you should believe 100% in yourself too (no matter what other people tell you). We can do this. We’ve got this! I believe in me and I believe in YOU. - Chris Zanetti. 30 December 2020. 6:30am - Woke up and made a cup of coffee. 6:43am - Telekinesis training. I'm hoping (or rather planning) that at some point in 2021, I will level up in my TK training. It's been a while since I stopped training with paper or foil (many many months already), and I'm now only using a ping pong ball for my TK training every day. I like this object because it's a 'real' object (unlike paper or foil - too light + no real mass) with real density, mass, and weight. The benefit of using a ball shape like this for my TK training is that it can freely move in any direction my mind chooses (although I can't yet move it with TK!). I will continue TK training with this ping pong ball (however long it takes) until it actually moves. (even if it takes years to do it ... this is real commitment!) P.S. This new personal journal will not only be about my training for superpowers, but also about my own personal life, and my normal day-to-day thoughts. I encourage you to leave comments about your own life and experience, but also to share knowledge with our community. I will strive to update this journal daily, or at least a few times per week, so be sure to add to your 'favorites' and visit here often. I haven't really had a place to share my personal thoughts and feelings, so this journal will be good for me to express myself more and connect more with you at a deeper level.
- Chris Zanetti. |
AuthorChris Zanetti. Archives
January 2025