'Interview with a Superhuman Freak' eBook by Chris Zanetti
Interview with a Superhuman Freak
100 Questions Answered by Chris Zanetti.
(Scroll down below to see the full list of all 100 interview questions)
This amazing full-length eBook is 125 pages long.
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The back cover of this book reads:
A secret interview was conducted 9 years ago in the year 2016, with Chris Zanetti, the world leader in superhuman potential. This book reveals fascinating insights from the mind of this remarkable, if somewhat eccentric, individual.
This extraordinary interview covers a wide spectrum of supernatural topics, ranging from telekinesis and levitation, to electrokinesis and the matrix, and even explores the taboo realms of sorcery, true magick, and God power. Chris Zanetti also explains in-depth why he does what he does, his training, and where his path is leading to.
Interview with a Superhuman Freak is a must read for anyone on the path to developing supernatural powers. This book offers inspiration and guidance for your own training, and will ultimately be instrumental in helping you become a more powerful being in a world where power is everything.
Chris Zanetti is the recognized world authority on supernatural powers and superhuman potential, with almost 17 years of training and experience in mind power, psychic energy, and the supernatural arts. He is also the author of the incredibly popular bestselling book Superhuman Training, which has sold thousands of copies since publication, and has now become a classic book for those on the path to mastery of supernatural powers.
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The audiobook version will be available soon, so please check the store again soon.
Here is a full list of all 100 interview questions:
1. What made you decide to become superhuman?
2. Are you power hungry?
3. Did you ever stop to think you are wasting your life on something that you will never achieve?
4. Are you doing this for money and fame?
5. What does your partner think of what you do, and does she support you?
6. Do you honestly believe that gravity can be controlled by the human mind?
7. What makes you so sure that humans have the potential to become superhuman?
8. Why do you believe you were a powerful sorcerer in a previous life?
9. If and when you do achieve incredibly powerful superhuman abilities, will you show them to the world, or will they remain a secret?
10. Aren’t you worried that these superpowers may fall into the wrong hands and be used for evil?
11. You believe that you lived on a different planet in a previous life. Is this true? And if so, tell us about it.
12. What makes you happy in life?
13. Do you believe we live in a digital matrix, similar to a computer simulation? Or is the universe just purely physical and organic?
14. What is your view on mathematics when applied to using it to figure out the universe, and also your view on quantum physics?
15. If humans have as much potential as you say they do, then what is the extent, or the limit, of that power? Does one human have the potential power to destroy a whole planet?
16. Tell us your thoughts on witchcraft.
17. You say you are an ancient being, but in this incarnation, you are existing in a modern world. Is that difficult for you?
18. What do natural quartz crystals mean to you? What do you think is their purpose?
19. What is your view of the world we live in today?
20. Is there such a thing as good and evil, right and wrong?
21. Do angels really exist?
22. It is said that life is merely a dream, albeit a very real one. What do you think about that?
23. How do you deal with the skeptics, and those who try to discredit you?
24. People fear most what they do not understand. Is this true when it comes to superhuman powers?
25. Is modern science today heading in the right direction, with regards to the truth about reality and consciousness?
26. What do you think has made you into the ‘superhuman potential’ expert and leader that you are today?
27. What is time? Does time really exist?
28. Why do you believe all the scientists in the world are wrong, but you are right?
29. You talk about faith a lot in your work, but what kind of faith is really required to become superhuman?
30. Who do you look up to for inspiration on your quest to unlock your superhuman powers?
31. What do your friends and family think of you taking on this role of a superhuman-in-training?
32. Do you believe in the law of attraction, and does it apply to superhuman training too?
33. Are we really gods? Is it not a bit too much to call yourself a god?
34. When you finally master the ability of flight, what will you do with it?
35. Tell us more about human flight. How fast and how high can one expect to go?
36. What is enlightenment, and have you achieved it?
37. Do you follow the wisdom of Buddha?
38. Is it true that a lot of people misunderstand you? They cannot see the big picture?
39. In what ways would you help the world if you had true superhuman powers?
40. Do you think the dark governments will come after you if you display real superhuman abilities?
41. What is your one major goal in this lifetime?
42. In order to develop superhuman abilities, is it necessary to cultivate love for others?
43. What do people really need to understand about superhuman training, in terms of energy development?
44. Tell us a little more about this ‘inner work’ that you speak of.
45. What is a good age to begin training for superhuman powers?
46. Is it necessary to become a recluse and live in a mountain cave, to develop real power?
47. There is no documented evidence or proof that a human being has ever or will ever achieve the ability to fly, so what makes you so confident that you will be able to achieve this god-like ability?
48. What would you say to people who are just starting out in training for superhuman powers?
49. What is your opinion on chakras, and developing the chakra system?
50. Is traditional meditation required to develop superhuman powers?
51. Is there some way you personally can help humanity achieve superhuman status faster and more efficiently?
52. I know I asked a similar question earlier in this interview, but when it comes to superhuman powers, who are your role models?
53. As of this interview, you have been training for about 8 years already. Why is it that we don’t see you performing levitation, flight, advanced telekinesis, and other supernatural abilities? Have you not reached that advanced level yet?
54. According to your thoughts and theories, and also your experience with real training, what would you say is the real secret to levitation and human flight?
55. We have seen you make reference to the Force used by the Jedi, and we have even seen you on video training as a real Jedi. What is your affinity for the Force and the Jedi way of life?
56. Everyone is eager to know, when will you open a training center or academy at a physical location somewhere on planet Earth?
57. We touched on the topic of chakras in an earlier question, but I want to ask a deeper, more personal question, regarding the existence of the chakras. From your experience in your own training, do you think chakras are real or just imaginary?
58. The third eye, or pineal gland, is a very hot topic in this day and age. Have you personally opened or activated your own third eye yet?
59. Is money important in your life, and do you chase the ‘dream life’?
60. If a person desired to become like a kind of demigod, what would they have to do, and what would the training be like?
61. As has been previously mentioned, you have been training for superhuman powers for about 8 years now, which is quite a long time to dedicate to such a goal as this. What keeps you going on the path? What motivates you each day? Do you have a super level of patience and perseverance to continue doing what you are doing?
62. I must admit, I’m an X-Men movie fan, and I know you are too. Who is your favorite X-Men character and why?
63. Hundreds of years ago, there were monks and other spiritual people who supposedly attained supernatural abilities such as levitation. Why is it, with all the advanced meditation practitioners and occult magick practitioners around the world, that we don’t see even one single person come forward and demonstrate true levitation ability?
64. Are you an enlightened being? What are your views on enlightenment?
65. Realistically, when can we expect to see you flying around in the sky?
66. What are your thoughts on the human race, as a species, and as a people?
67. Tell us, if you had incredibly powerful superhuman abilities at an advanced level, would you be a benevolent and kind person, or would you become a destructive being, wreaking havoc across the planet?
68. In terms of training to become superhuman, what is the most important aspect to focus on, if you had to choose one? Physical training, mental training, or spiritual training?
69. When you do finally achieve flight, what kind of distances will you be flying? Will you have to rest often and ‘recharge’ your energy?
70. In your opinion, are there any external objects that can help a person develop supernatural abilities?
71. What is life like for a person such as yourself, training to become superhuman? What kind of sacrifices do you have to make in order to pursue this goal of superhuman status?
72. The title of this book will give people the idea that you are some kind of freak. Is that good? I mean is it good for your image? How do you feel about being thought of as a freak?
73. In your first book Superhuman Training, you claim that lightning, or some kind of electrical energy, shot out of your fingertip, while you were doing electrokinesis training, during a thunderstorm, from the 8th floor balcony of your apartment in Bangkok. You even have clear video evidence of it on your YouTube channel. Can you talk about that?
74. Tell us your ideas about yin and yang energy, and how these energies tie in with developing supernatural powers.
75. For anybody wanting to seriously devote themselves to the goal of becoming a superhuman being, what advice would you give them?
76. I understand that you now live in a small mountain village in north Thailand. How has moving to the countryside, with nature, impacted your daily training, as opposed to training in a big city, such as Bangkok, where you previously lived? And for those training for superhuman powers, do they need to be surrounded by nature? Or does location not matter so much, and training in a city is okay?
77. Let’s talk about food and diet. Is it critically important to have a clean and healthy diet when training for superhuman powers? And does it really matter what food and drink we put into our body when the goal is to become a superhuman being?
78. Most people who are seriously dedicated to developing supernatural powers, prefer a quiet life away from the limelight, choosing anonymity over becoming publicly known. Why have you chosen the path of becoming a public figure seeking attention, rather than conducting your training and your life in privacy and solitude?
79. Tell us briefly your current theory of how telekinesis works. How can we accelerate our understanding and practice of telekinesis?
80. Can you give any advice with regards to controlling sexual energy to enhance our supernatural powers?
81. Where do you think this recent world movement towards developing superhuman powers is leading to? And do you even think that most normal people are capable of becoming superhuman?
82. Give us your honest opinion on chi energy, qigong, and all the different internal energy schools and methods around the world. Do any of them really have anything to offer in terms of real superhuman power?
83. In your mind, does it matter if a person follows a religion or not if they wish to become a superhuman being?
84. In this modern age of technology, how important is it to step back from modern life in order to cultivate a deeper connection with Earth and with nature?
85. If you could instill one thing into your students and your followers, to help them gain a better chance of completing the transformation into a superhuman being, what would it be?
86. Many people all over the world look up to you, and really do believe that you will become one of the first true superhumans to walk the Earth in this modern age. What are your thoughts on that?
87. We know you have already been training for about 8 years in supernatural powers such as electrokinesis, aerokinesis, pyrokinesis, telekinesis and levitation, and you have achieved some modest success in some of these skills, but how much longer do you think it will take before your abilities develop more and become as powerful as some of the characters we see in the X-Men movies?
88. Many people want to possess amazing superhuman powers, but they don’t realize that to achieve such things requires a lifetime commitment. What is your opinion on this?
89. Where did this powerful drive in you to transform yourself into not just a superhuman being, but some kind of demigod, come from?
90. How much, if any, do the Jedi, and the Force from Star Wars, influence your training or help you to achieve a deeper understanding of the mysteries of supernatural powers?
91. If one truly desires to become a superhuman being, is it necessary for them to have a teacher or master to guide them on the path, or can they do it alone?
92. Can you give us your opinion on whether it is heart-based training or mind-based training that is better for achieving superhuman powers? I ask this because there is some confusion as to whether the heart or the mind is more powerful. There are differing opinions on this topic, and I would appreciate your opinion on this.
93. Nikola Tesla once said: ‘If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration’. Can you expand on this famous quote?
94. Who is your all-time favorite superhero, and why?
95. When you do eventually learn to levitate and fly, do you think it will be chi energy that will allow you the power necessary to achieve flight, or do you think it will be some other kind of mystical force such as spiritual energy or even an act of God or something like that?
96. Tell us 3 quotes you particularly like from Jesus, Buddha, and Lao Tzu, and also why you like them.
97. Out of all the movies you have watched, what movie has had the most powerful effect on you in helping to guide you along the path towards mastery of supernatural powers?
98. Are you at all concerned that if and when you do transform into a superhuman being with amazing powers, that instead of becoming a superhero, you may become a super-villain?
99. Is there anything so far in this interview that we have not covered, that you would like to speak briefly on?
100_Okay, let’s end this interview on a somewhat light-hearted note. Would you please kindly share with us a few words of hope or inspiration to instill in us a higher degree of faith and self-belief?