I was contemplating the idea of a human transforming themselves into a demigod (which is what I’m in the process of), and it suddenly hit me that in order to change from human to demigod, we have to totally let go of the human side of us, because we can’t exist as both a human and a demigod, it has to be either one. Of course, as a demigod, we will still retain our normal human form, and retain most of our personality, but our view of reality, and our thought processes, will have to radically change. This may seem obvious, and I don’t know why I didn’t realize it fully before, but we have to let go of the old, to make room for the new.
Leaving our old self behind can be a scary thought, but I believe it’s necessary if we want to transform ourselves into demigods with demigod powers. It does not mean that we have to become an entirely different person, but a significant change must occur within us, within our consciousness, otherwise there’s no way we can develop demigod powers. Our perception of reality must be more like an advanced alien’s perception, rather than a human perception. With regards to supernatural or demigod powers, the normal human way of thinking is flawed. Also, the transformation process from human consciousness to demigod consciousness must be a gradual one, because if you force it to happen too fast, it’s possible that you may go insane, or at least a little bit crazy. When I say gradual, I mean a process of many years, and definitely not a process of weeks or even months. The mind needs time to adjust to the new way of thinking, and the new perception of reality. These are exciting times, and I look forward to the next few years with great anticipation. I feel I am on the correct path, and even though my progress is slow at the moment, I will soon (this year) be dedicating much more of my life and my time towards my goal of becoming the most powerful being on planet Earth. Leave a comment and let me (and the whole community) know your thoughts and opinions on this subject. Respects, Chris Zanetti. Author of the bestselling book Superhuman Training. Click here to visit my YouTube channel. ➡ Amazing deal! 90% discount on my 14 latest ebooks !! Get the bundle of all 14 ebooks for only $4.97 (only 35 cents each!!) ⬅
Recently I’ve been contemplating more on the idea, or rather the truth, that this world is a simulation. It is indeed a fascinating theory to consider. Of course, the reason for exploring more deeply the idea of the simulation, is to eventually unlock the secret to wielding powerful supernatural abilities, such as telekinesis for example.
We have all grown up in a society where everyone, including ourselves, believes that everything we see is real, that planet Earth is real, that the Universe is real, and that there would be no reason to even think of challenging the idea that the physical world in which we exist, including our own bodies, may be just a figment of our mind, and may not even exist at all, at least outside of our mind. The simulation theory goes against everything we have ever learnt or known, and is therefore naturally an alien concept that is not easy for us to grasp, let alone digest and accept as fact or truth. Of course, we were clearly presented with this simulation concept in the Matrix movies over twenty years ago, so the idea or theory is not new. Due to the alien concept of this theory, I can understand fully how it can sit uncomfortably with almost anyone who even attempts to wrap their mind fully around the theory that this world and our whole physical reality is nothing but a simulation existing only in our mind, or in consciousness. I am currently writing a book dedicated solely to the simulation theory, and I know that as I explore deeper down the rabbit hole of this theory, that it will likely have a profound effect on my consciousness, and the way that I view the world and reality on a day-to-day basis. Of course, the end goal is to acquire great supernatural abilities by hacking the simulation once I have intellectually, and experientially, mastered the simulation theory. We cannot hack the simulation until we know it at a most intimate level, and naturally, this will take years, but nevertheless, it’s a challenge that I am excited to undertake. Uncovering the secrets and mysteries of life brings me great happiness and fulfilment, and as you know, attaining incredible supernatural powers is my great purpose and mission in life. Leave a comment and let me (and the whole community) know your thoughts and opinions on this subject. Respects, Chris Zanetti. Author of the bestselling book Superhuman Training. Click here to visit my YouTube channel. ➡ Amazing deal! 90% discount on my 14 latest ebooks !! Get the bundle of all 14 ebooks for only $4.97 (only 35 cents each!!) ⬅ A long time ago, I used to think that it would take a person around 10 – 20 years to develop a good skill level in telekinesis (I mean moving small objects, not cars), but I have since realized that we cannot think in terms of years. To make progress in telekinesis, it’s really about how many hours of training you put in per day, and then in those training sessions, how focused on the task (moving the target object) you are.
You could have two different people, both who have been training in telekinesis for 10 years. One of these people trains in telekinesis for 1 hour per day on average, and so after 10 years of training, their actual total training time is 3,650 hours, which is respectable. However, this person is still struggling and cannot even move a small and light object, such as a ping pong ball. Now the other person, who has also been training for 10 years, has been training in telekinesis for an average of 7 hours per day, and so they have accumulated a total training time of 25,550 hours. This person has unlocked the secret to moving small objects with their mind, and although they cannot yet move large heavy objects, their current skill in telekinesis is very impressive. So you can see the huge difference between these two people. They both trained for 10 years, but one trained for 3,650 hours total, and the other trained for 25,550 hours total. This shows that the number of years you’ve been training in telekinesis is largely irrelevant. What is relevant, and indeed vital, is the level of seriousness with which you commit to your training. Is your telekinesis training casual? Just 30 minutes or 1 hour here or there, when you have time to fit it in to your schedule, or, do you dedicate 5 – 10 hours every single day to your telekinesis training, where your life revolves around your training, because you are fully committed to becoming a master of telekinesis? It is usually only the truly committed people in life who rise to become the greatest in the world at what they do. To be great, or even the greatest, takes insane levels of passion, drive, and sacrifice. You have to train like the best if you want to become the best. This blog post is directed at me, just as much as it at you. Personally, I know I have to increase my hours of training each day, otherwise my progress in telekinesis will just be too slow, even though I do believe that I will become the world’s greatest and most powerful telekinetic. We can compress the time it takes us to master any skill, by just simply put more hours of training and practice in each day, and making it the number one priority in our life. Leave a comment and let me (and the whole community) know your thoughts and opinions on this subject. Respects, Chris Zanetti. Author of the bestselling book Superhuman Training. Click here to visit my YouTube channel. ➡ Amazing deal! 90% discount on my 14 latest ebooks !! Get the bundle of all 14 ebooks for only $4.97 (only 35 cents each!!) ⬅ In most ancient cultures around the world, there were god-like beings or demigods recorded in their lore or mythology. These powerful beings (they may have even been non-human alien species) would have existed not only a few thousand years ago, but we're talking more like 10,000 - 20,000 years ago, even 100,000 years ago or more. The conditioning and brainwashing of humans (since their birth) by society, over thousands and thousands of years, is likely the cause of the lack of demigods in the modern age. People hear and read about the gods in mythology, but they don't believe it's possible for them to become one through self-transformation. I could write for hours on this topic. I plan to write and publish a book on this very topic within the next 6 months or so.
The rulers of this planet do not hide these powers from us, but they openly show (even flaunt) the extent of these (supernatural) powers in Hollywood movies (think X-Men). They even went so far as to create an almost step-by-step guide to attaining these powers, when they created the Matrix Trilogy movies. Those with eyes to see, and ears to listen, will have discovered many ‘secret’ keys embedded within the Matrix movies. The Matrix trilogy is so much more powerful than most people understand. I hold the belief that the gods (or demigods) will return in the near future, and I will number among them. We were all created with the innate potential ability to transform ourselves into demigods (although I believe only 1 human out of a billion can actually complete the transformation). We all have latent god-powers sleeping inside us. However, only a handful of humans out of a planet of billions, will go forth, boldly, and attempt to become demigods themselves. If these gods existed in the past, then why cannot they exist again in the future? We all have our own unique destiny to fulfil in this life. In the coming future, will you number among the new race of demigods? Leave a comment and let me (and the whole community) know your thoughts and opinions on this subject. - Chris Zanetti Check out my bestselling book 'Superhuman Training', now available as an eBook (instant PDF delivery) for only $2.99. This super-popular book (258 pages!) has already sold thousands of copies! Click the image below for more details ... A few days ago, while walking outside in the sunshine, I had an experience that I was everything, that my being was not just contained within my body, but was everywhere and everything, as far as my eyes could see. The experience, or feeling, only lasted for a brief time, a couple of seconds at most, then I was back to my normal self. Now, this was not an intellectual experience. Being one, or feeling oneness with all things, is not difficult when approached intellectually. However, actually experiencing oneness naturally, is quite different, as there are no thoughts present, and there is no mind intellectually analyzing the ‘oneness’ situation that spontaneously arises.
Of course, this is the absolute truth, and we are one with everything already, but this truth, however, is suppressed in the society in which we live. From the moment we are born into this world, from the very first day, the programming begins, and over the years, we are shaped and designed (literally programmed) to accept and believe that we are limited to the confines of our physical body, that any power we may have to affect the ‘external’ environment, is limited to the movements and actions of our physical body. This is a lie. We have been deceived by society, or rather, by the beings who control and run this planet from the shadows. Any (god) power that we may have had, has been stripped from us, and we (the human race) were (unknowingly) willing participants in the suppression of our own god-power. Some of us, however, have woken up, or are waking up, and are slowly but surely beginning to understand that we have god-potential inside us, and that supernatural powers can and should become natural for us. Now, let me get to the point of this blog post. Anything and everything that we can perceive in our vision, with our eyes, we can influence, and by influence, I mean that we can bend reality to our will. We can change and shape reality as we want it to be, just with our thoughts (or rather with consciousness) alone. That is god-power! And that is the power that is sleeping inside every human on this planet. The power to truly shape and alter the ‘physical’ world around us. I could go on and write a hundred pages on this subject (and indeed, one day I will write a book specifically on this topic), but it is enough for now. Most of you already know what I speak of, and many of you reading this are already on the path to reclaiming your own god-powers. These words that I have written are to inspire you to explore deeper within yourself, and provoke you to contemplate your true nature in this world. Who or what are you? Let me know your own thoughts on this subject. Comment below and share your knowledge with the community. - Chris Zanetti Check out my bestselling book 'Superhuman Training', now available as an eBook (instant PDF delivery) for only $2.99. This super-popular book (258 pages!) has already sold thousands of copies! Click the image below for more details ... Sometimes I think that there are two separate realities. A ‘normal everyday’ reality. Where all the normal laws of physics apply, and a ‘supernatural' reality or realm, where almost anything is possible, or we could call this supernatural realm an ‘alternate’ reality. I say this because often during my telekinesis training sessions, I find myself going into a trance-like state, and it feels as though I’m entering a different (more powerful) reality. I would even go so far as to say that when I enter these trance-like states, my consciousness feels more like a god, rather than a human.
Most of us already know that as soon as we are born into this world, we are programmed to believe that we’re just a limited human (one of billions … a cog in the machine), and the part of us that has the potential to be developed into a ‘demigod-like’ being, is shut down in modern society probably before we’re even 6 months old. I could write a whole book on this one topic (and I probably will), but I’ll keep things short for this blog post. We can choose to live in this world with the belief that we are a human, or we can live in the world with the alternate belief that we are a god (or demigod if you prefer). When we choose to believe that we are a god, then a whole world of supernatural possibilities opens up for us. We are no longer limited to just being a (powerless) human, but we can begin training ourselves to influence the physical world (physical matter) with our thoughts alone, and actually bend physical matter with our will. It is entirely up to us whether we view ourselves as humans or as gods, however, if you are on the path to developing supernatural powers, then viewing yourself as a god can profoundly influence your destiny in a beneficial way, increasing the probability of you becoming a master of the supernatural world. Let me know your own thoughts on this subject. Comment below and share your knowledge with the community. - Chris Zanetti I was doing research on ancient Egyptian magick, more specifically, the lives of the high priests who lived and practiced magick at that time. I was inspired by their devotion to their practice, and how incredibly seriously they took their position, as high priest. I was impressed by how, through a life of strict training and practice, they became true masters of their craft. True masters of magick.
Of course, the idea of magick today differs greatly compared with the magick practiced thousands of years ago in ancient Egyptian times. However, we can still take inspiration from the high degree of seriousness with which the high priests took their magickal training and lifestyle. I believe if we ourselves are to become masters of supernatural power, then we too need to develop a strict, almost monastic type of training schedule that we stick with every day (or the days we have allocated for training). The more time we commit, and the more seriously we take our training, the faster we can become a master of the specific supernatural skill(s) that we wish to develop. Let me know your own thoughts on this subject. Comment below and share your knowledge with the community. - Chris Zanetti One thing I’ve learned in life is that life will continue to throw challenges at you and test you. This can be painful, but you need the strength of spirit to endure the pain. Sometimes life will knock you down, but you just have to get up and keep pushing towards your goals and dreams, because honestly, what else can you do? Buddha said that life is suffering, but that we have to find a way to reduce that suffering. I know that at this present time, life is challenging for many of us, but we have to face it head on, deal with it, and then move on in life, continuing to struggle and strive for our dreams. We cannot give up on our dreams, because what else is there?
Even though life has been challenging these past months, and I didn’t post any new YouTube videos, or update my blog here, I’ve still been doing my supernatural training each and every day. My telekinesis training is the same every day, with the objective being to move a ping-pong ball on a table. I don’t post videos of this telekinesis training, because it will be boring for most of you to watch. The truth is that 99.9% of telekinesis training is in the mind, a transformation that slowly takes place, over many years of practice. The point is that even though I have my own challenges to deal with in life, I still continue to do my supernatural training each day, because as you may know, my ultimate goal is to transform myself into a powerful demigod. If you’re dealing with challenges or issues in your own life, which I know many of you are, you have to be strong and push through the pain. Sometimes you will need patience, sometimes you will need determination, and sometimes you will have to let go of the old, to make room for the new. Life is ever-changing and ever-evolving, and we as humans have to learn to change and adapt with life. The challenges of life can sometimes, for some people, feel like too much to endure, but we need to have the strength of mind, heart and spirit to push through these challenges, and strive to create a life full of happiness, contentment and peace. I will be back on YouTube again very soon 😊 - Chris Zanetti This blog/journal was initially intended to be an informal place for me to express my thoughts and feelings, similar to a personal diary, so I will do my best to keep it that way. I plan to update this journal much more frequently, perhaps even daily, so be sure to visit every day. I'm also committing myself to greatly improving this website, and updating it more often.
I didn't post any YouTube videos for a while, as I've been contemplating life a lot these days, and what's most important for the future. Recently I've been attempting to re-design my life so that I'm spending time only on the things that really matter to me, and things that lead to the future reality that I desire. (I'll be posting videos on YouTube again very soon). I'm currently going through a slow process of transformation (which will likely take many years to complete). I'm transforming myself into a demigod, with the intent to develop god-like powers. These god-like powers I speak of have not been seen or witnessed on Earth for thousands of years. I intend to be the one in this modern age who is able to complete the transformation from 'normal' human to powerful demigod. Maybe you also feel like you might be the one too, which means you're going to have to make changes in your life (just as I'm doing), so that you can fulfil your destiny and develop god-like powers yourself. Now is the time for us to really begin to dedicate ourselves to our true calling in life. - Chris Zanetti This idea that we should train every day for supernatural powers may seem very basic, and it is. It is one of the foundation stones that will help you make progress in your chosen supernatural ability, or abilities. Training for and developing supernatural powers does not have to be a complicated process. We just need a very basic training routine for every day, so that each new day can build upon the past, and allow you to become more knowledgeable in your field.
As I progress in my own supernatural training, more and more, I understand the importance of training every single day, and doing my best never to miss a day. Even if some days you are pressed for time, then you should still strive to squeeze in even just 10 or 20 minutes of training. Of course, ideally, training time each day should be longer than this, but I understand as well as anybody that we live in the modern world, in society, which constantly, for most people anyway, puts pressure on your time, your emotions or mood, and your energy levels. Of course, this is real life, and it is inevitable that we will miss a day here or there. The main point I want to stress is that you should do your best to do some training each day, even if you feel tired and you don’t want to, you should push yourself to just do it anyway. I want to add also, and this is the most important and crucial part to understand about daily training, is that you develop a type of muscle memory, or rather ‘mind memory’, when it comes to training in supernatural powers, just as occurs in any other activity in life. However, when training for supernatural powers, we deal more with feelings, and so by training every day, we can more easily remember the feeling that we had yesterday, compared with the feelings that we experienced a whole week ago, which can easily become hazy, and even forgotten, or lost completely. By training every day, we can more easily recall the feelings or sensations (presuming you believe those feelings will lead you further along the path) that we experienced yesterday, and use that same connection more easily today, while it is still fresh in our mind from the previous day. The feelings and sensations of the mind or consciousness can sometimes be fleeting, and difficult to recall or remember. By committing to doing our supernatural training every day (whether that’s 20 minutes or 2 hours), we dramatically increase the odds of our future success. Let me know your own thoughts on this subject. Comment below and share your knowledge with the community. - Chris Zanetti Lately I've been exploring more deeply the idea (or perhaps the truth) that everything is mind. I believe The Kybalion to be an excellent book, but out of the 7 main principles covered in the book, it is the 1st principle that captures my interest the most, and it is the one principle that I spend time contemplating each day. Why? Because I believe that fully understanding it could be the key to developing extraordinary skill and power in telekinesis (along with most other supernatural abilities, including flight), which of course is the main goal for my life. Here are the 7 principles: 'The All is Mind; the Universe is Mental'. Now those are some extremely powerful words, and they align with my own beliefs regarding the truth of reality. The teachings I take most seriously are the teachings from The Kybalion book, and the teachings from the Matrix movies. There is certain knowledge available in the world (free to everyone and in plain view) that is key knowledge that can, I believe, unlock god-level power in you. There are simple truths that because they seem too simple, are overlooked by most people who do not have eyes to see the incredible power within those truths.
I will be talking more in-depth on this subject in the Newsletter I will be sending out soon to those people who have signed up for it. If you did not sign up for my monthly Newsletter yet, I highly recommend you do so as soon as possible (it's completely free - no cost at all). Let me know your own thoughts on this 1st principle of The Kybalion. Comment below and share your knowledge with the community. - Chris Zanetti Lately I’ve been dedicating more and more time to my telekinesis training. The way I see it is that the more hours I put into my training, the closer I will be to reaching my ultimate goal of becoming a true and powerful master of telekinesis. I don’t want to just be able to move small objects, although that’s nice too, but I desire god-level telekinesis skills. I was thinking the other day how strange it is that we humans have the potential to demonstrate incredible superhuman (or even god-like) powers, but because we are raised in a society that suppresses and limits human consciousness, we never get to witness what humans are truly capable of.
What I mean is that if we just had the knowledge of exactly how to awaken or unlock our superpowers, then it becomes possible, but this knowledge is super-secret and has been kept hidden, for thousands of years, out of the reach of humanity, so that humans have no choice but to be slaves for the governments who control them. Rich slave or poor slave, it makes no difference. If we humans have no real (supernatural) power to stand up for ourselves against the tyranny of governments, then we truly have no real freedom. That’s part of the reason I plan to transform myself into a supernatural demigod, so that I can stand up against the evil and corruption of the world and help to free humanity. However, it all has to start somewhere, and there’s no shortcut to awakening our supernatural powers. When I am working hard doing my telekinesis training each day, then I know I am on the right path, and following my true destiny and purpose in life. We have to be sure that the actions we are taking each day are leading us towards a future that we truly desire, and if we wish to develop incredible supernatural powers, then we better make damn sure that we are doing the training that we are supposed to be doing each day. This message is directed as much to me as it is to you. Life is not easy, and often it is not fair. Life can sometimes be cruel. The main thing is that we keep pushing forward little by little, day by day, over the years, and eventually, a time will come when the supernatural powers we desire will become manifest in our life. ‘Nothing in this life worth achieving is easy, nor is it impossible’ - Chris Zanetti Let’s talk about my telekinesis training. It’s been a while since I stopped training with the psi wheel, and I’m so happy I made the decision to quit training with paper and tinfoil and move on to larger objects with more mass and weight, such as a ping pong ball. Even though a ping pong ball is is still small and light, it can be classed as a ‘real’ object, and much more difficult to move than say paper or tinfoil, which has almost zero mass and weight. Now, don’t misunderstand, I trained for a very long time with the psi wheel, and it’s a crucial little device that can help to give you great confidence in your telekinetic abilities during the earlier stages of telekinesis training. However, the psi wheel is almost exactly like the ‘training wheels’ on a bicycle. When you’re a kid, you need the training wheels on the bike to help build up your confidence, but there comes a time when those training wheels must be taken off, so that you can move to the next (higher) level of actually riding the bike as it was designed to be ridden … without the training wheels! There comes a point in a telekinesis practitioner’s life when they must let go of the crutch, the psi wheel, that has indeed helped them a lot, but may now be hindering their progress as they need to move beyond the beginner stages of telekinesis training. I would say that when you feel you have full command over the psi wheel (make it spin, make it stop, make it rotate in a certain direction, etc), that is the time you should move on to the next level of telekinesis training. Now you must choose a real-world object, an actual object! I have chosen to work with a ping pong ball, because I feel it’s the perfect object for the level I am currently at in my TK training. The ping pong ball is great because you can try to make it roll in any direction, and you can even practice levitation with it too if you so desire. Good luck with your TK training my friends! - Chris Zanetti P.S. Check out my new books published this month and available right now! ⬇⬇⬇ This year of 2022 (and beyond) I feel we have to go much deeper into our practice, if there is going to be any hope of attaining powerful supernatural abilities. What do I mean by this? I mean devoting more commitment and time to your training. If you are currently training for 1 hour per day, then that should be increased to at least 2 hours per day. For the more serious and advanced practitioners, we should be striving to train for at least 4 or 5 hours each day. Ultimately, we should have a goal in our mind for the future of one day being able to devote at least 8 – 10 hours every day to our supernatural training. I believe if you are training for 10 hours or more each day, then your chance of actually attaining the supernatural power you desire, is greatly increased.
I know for most people who live in society, who have to work a job and earn a living, this is unrealistic and almost impossible, but you should at least have the idea in your mind that one day in the future, even if it's 10 years from now, that you will be in a position to devote your whole life to training for supernatural powers. You see, to develop powerful god-like abilities requires you dedicate your whole life to your practice and training. Yes, you can still live in society and have partner (wife/husband), while retaining a semi-normal lifestyle, but the time you have each day, from the moment the sun rises in the morning to the moment the sun sets at night, you show your dedication, devotion, and seriousness to what it is you wish to achieve (perhaps that’s powerful telekinesis, or the ability to fly, for example). Even though I cannot judge you personally because I do not know you, and I do not know your current circumstances in life. What I do know is that for most people life can be quite challenging on a day to day basis (the dark powers that rule planet Earth designed it to be this way, to keep you suffering/working to separate you from your true powers), and training for supernatural powers comes secondary to the ‘normal’ duties of your life. All I know is that the more time we can commit each day to training for supernatural powers, the faster we will attain the power(s) we desire. I’ve been training for almost 14 years, so perhaps I know the struggle more than anyone. Life can indeed be very challenging, and life often continuously throws obstacles in your path that need to be overcome. We must do our best each day with the time that we do have. Yes, you can still have time for relaxation and other things, but you make your supernatural training a priority in your life, so that your life revolves around your training and your goal to transform yourself into a powerful supernatural being. - Chris Zanetti Over the years I have been slowly learning to let go of attachments to the physical world. This can be a difficult (and sometimes painful) process, and it is so easy to get pulled back into the material world, and get pulled back into the programming we have been given since birth.
This process of letting go of attachments in the material world applies just as importantly to our training for supernatural powers. You see, so many of us (perhaps all of us) have preconceived ideas and beliefs about how supernatural powers work and how we can attain them. Let’s take telekinesis as an example. Everyone seems to have their own opinion about how to move an object with mindpower alone, and even the people that agree on a general opinion or theory, these people still tend to have subtle variations or beliefs regarding that theory. Surely everyone cannot be correct. Surely not all these different theories can be true, therefore we have to select very carefully the belief system that will hopefully lead to us developing mastery in telekinesis (or any other supernatural power). The point I am getting at is that perhaps it is time to stop clinging to beliefs and theories of how to develop supernatural powers, and just let go of everything. Perhaps, developing supernatural powers does not require us to have a theory on how it works or how it happens, perhaps the complete opposite may be true, and it may even be the case that these theories that we hold on to are actually blocking us from the very thing that we desire to achieve (telekinesis for example). Perhaps developing supernatural powers is simpler than we think. Not easier, but simpler, and not requiring grand theories of how these powers, these supernatural phenomena, occur. Let me know in the comments what you think. - Chris Zanetti Living in a Perfect Location for Developing Superhuman Abilities or Demigod Powers ... 14 May 2022 When you’re living in the normal world, and living in ‘society’, it becomes that much more difficult to train hard each day to work towards the goal of developing real god-like abilities. I could quite easily, at any time, pack a bag, move to India or Nepal, and be living in the Himalaya mountains and live my perfect dream life of waking up each and every morning and training for 12 – 15 hours a day, working towards the attainment of supernatural powers, the highest goal of course being levitation/flight. However, I have chosen to live here in Thailand, to live a more balanced life, have a big house, a beautiful Thai wife, and live in this small village near the mountains. Although I do train every day for supernatural powers, I dream of being able to devote more time to my supernatural training each day. Training for 7 – 10 hours per day would be ideal for me, but I will have to slowly work towards that goal over the next few years. Honestly, I want the best of both worlds, to become the most powerful supernatural being on planet Earth and to live a relatively normal life in society. I should point out that just because a person chooses to live in society, rather than alone in the wilderness, does not mean they have to like society. There are many aspects of modern society that I despise, but there are also benefits to living a ‘normal’ life in society. Just because we are in society does not necessarily mean we have to join society. One can be a hermit or a mystic and still live within the confines of society. It may not be ideal when our goal is to become a demigod, but at least we can enjoy modern comforts such as living in an air-conditioned home, have a wife (partner) to share life with, and the other benefits that come with modern living. Perhaps in the future, as my powers develop more, and time allows, I may spend a few months out of each year in India or Nepal, near the Himalayas, training for 15 hours every day, developing my consciousness to higher spiritual levels, but for now, I am content to live and train in Thailand. Within a couple of years, I have plans to be living permanently on Koh Samui island, further down in the south of Thailand. That is my dream. To be able to go to the beach every day, swim in the ocean, enjoy island living. I know that when I eventually do make the big move to live on Koh Samui island, that my supernatural powers will develop much faster, because the tropical island location will be absolutely perfect and ideal for my particular style of training (of the mind/consciousness). I believe living in an environment/location that feels perfect, can greatly accelerate the development of supernatural powers, and just overall happiness and bliss in life. Maybe some of you can relate a little with what I have been talking about here, about moving to a location that is more suitable for your supernatural training and your general happiness. It’s vitally important that we have that goal/dream in the forefront of our mind at all times, so that when the opportunity arises, you are confident and sure of yourself to make that big decision to move to another location, in your own country, or even a foreign country. I just wanted to share my thoughts with you on this. Please comment and let me know your own ideas or opinions on this topic. Do you have plans to move to a better location, one more suited for your supernatural/psychic/spiritual development? I would love to read your comments. - Chris Zanetti 3 May 2022
4:47pm - The last few weeks I’ve been checking my various websites and YouTube channels, and I’ve made the decision to begin slowly improving them all, and also slowly improving all aspects of my life. I’m beginning to eat healthier and workout/exercise more often. I desire success in all areas of my life, and so should you. I’ve mentioned in the past that I’ve written many books but not had them published yet. Well, this year, I plan to publish all of them, and the first book will be published within the next 1 or 2 months. Really, I’m just trying to organize and plan my life better, on a day-to-day basis. I know the future I want for myself, and I’m determined to get it, no matter how hard I have to work. So, over the next few weeks and months you’ll likely see me being much more active on all my YouTube channels and making positive changes and improvements to all my websites. I’m currently working on an ‘Aerokinesis Mini-Documentary’ video that I plan to upload to my YouTube channel within the next few weeks, and I have clear footage of myself controlling the wind (using both smoke and also pin-wheels to demonstrate). So far, this year has not been easy, but I want to turn it around and make 2022 the best year ever, in terms of both productivity and general happiness. Many are going through hard times right now, but we have to remain positive and keep our mind focused on our highest goals and dreams in life. - Chris Zanetti 7 April 2022
7:44am - Okay, so it’s been about 2 months since I uploaded a video to my main YouTube channel. I know that’s not acceptable, as I have a responsibility to many people around the world to inspire and guide them on the path to supernatural powers. Well, truth be told, I have been growing another YouTube channel ( Zanetti Gaming ), and putting much of my focus into building that channel and making it successful. It may be a gaming channel right now, but I have plans to transform (over a period of time) that channel into a ‘supernatural powers-related’ channel, such as a podcast for example, but this new channel will compliment my main Chris Zanetti channel, so that I’ll eventually have two great YouTube channels dedicated to supernatural powers. Each and every one of us has to think about and prepare for our future, and having at least two YouTube channels earning an income is better than having just one channel making money. Despite what some people may think, this is the real world, and money does not grow on trees. Even though I’m training for god-like supernatural powers, I still have to find ways to make money to support myself on this journey, and having multiple successful YouTube channels will help with that. I know most people in the ‘spiritual community’ don’t like to talk about money and finances, but I’m different, and I have my feet grounded in the real world, where money is important, and I’m happy to openly talk about it. It is not spiritual or noble to be poor. Each and every one of us should strive to be financially successful in this world, both for self-respect, and for the fact that it will make our spiritual or supernatural journey that much easier, when we can put our focus fully on developing our supernatural powers, instead of having to worry about where the money is going to come from to pay the bills or the rent each month. Let’s be real and truthful with ourselves, and admit that yes, money (having an abundance of it) is a very important component in living a successful and fulfilling life in this modern world. Having multiple streams of income flowing in every month is intelligent and wise, but it takes time, effort and focus in order to build those streams of income. A few extra dollars each month from YouTube certainly can help towards becoming financially independent and free. - Chris Zanetti 20 February 2022
7:58am - Just finishing a telekinesis training session this morning. Strange isn’t it? I’ve seen this happen often, that I’m focusing on the object (polystyrene block) to fall down, but the exact moment I take my attention off it, it immediately falls down quite forcefully, as though I was doing everything correctly, but still there was something in my mind blocking the telekinesis from happening, until I take my attention off the object and allow my mind to relax, then the object falls. Just thought I would mention it here because I’ve witnessed it too many times for it to be a coincidence. This indicates that there can be no emotional or mental blocks in the mind if we want telekinesis to happen. During my TK training session this morning, I was contemplating life and reality, and how it’s becoming more clear that life is just a game (albeit a very serious game) that we can play in any way we choose. We are like characters in a video game, and we control and direct every decision and movement of that character. We have to ask ourselves: ‘Is life even real?’ in the way we think about life and the physical world being real. Or is it just a mental construct, or a simulation, playing out, in a way that we perhaps can’t quite grasp fully, because we are characters in the game, and not the designers or architects of the game itself (that would be God or some kind of Higher Power). One thing I know is that we are free to choose the direction our life takes, but actually choosing and making the ‘hard’ choices in life can be quite difficult indeed, although the ‘difficulty’ is illusory. This year I will dig deeper into what reality is, and how best to bend reality to fashion and design a future where I do accomplish the main goals for my life. - Chris Zanetti 17 February 2022
6:32am - Last night while doing telekinesis training (and contemplating life) it became crystal clear to me how we are living in a reality designed to limit us, limit our thinking, and limit our true individual power. We are trained since birth to think a certain way, to feel a certain way, and to live life based on the rules built by others to keep us under control, to keep our minds locked down and to limit the true scope of human potential in terms of superpowers or supernatural abilities. We have been designed to be cogs in a machine, to play our dutiful role in society, to be and do what “they” want is to be and do. Who are the “they” I’m speaking of? They are hidden from our sight, unknown, but ever-present, using our own subconscious against us to control our minds. Therefore, we are both the prisoner and prison-guard of our own mind, trapped, but at the same time, holding the key, and always able to break free if we make the choice to do so. I’m not trying to be negative or doom and gloom. It’s more about accepting the way society has been designed and built, and then finding a way, through our own choices and decisions (and sacrifices perhaps) to exist in society, while at the same time awakening the god-power we know is sleeping inside us. - Chris Zanetti 3 February 2022
7:41am - Last night I was thinking about Zai Shen, the supernatural energy art I created years ago. I feel that this is the year to put more energy into developing Zai Shen, and showing to the world more of what Zai Shen is about. Zai Shen is still in its very early stages of development as a recognized art, and it will take much time and commitment to allow it to unfold into something amazing. The website is www.ZaiShen.net, and although in previous years, I didn’t develop or improve the website, this year, starting this month of February, I will begin adding more information (and maybe even a weekly blog) to the Zai Shen website, so that those interested can understand more about the details of what it is. Basically, Zai Shen means ‘the spirit inside’ or the ‘spirit within’ or ‘inner spirit’. Zai Shen is about using spiritual energy to develop supernatural powers such as levitation and flight, telekinesis, aerokinesis, chi/ki energy, pyrokinesis, electrokinesis, and many other supernatural powers. Yesterday evening I did an arm (biceps/triceps) workout for about 1 hour and I felt great afterwards, because I hadn’t done any weight lifting for months. I know having muscles is not related to having supernatural powers, but I just feel better when my body is in good shape and I can see my muscles growing and developing over time. I know that working out/bodybuilding is good for overall health and fitness, and having both a healthy body and healthy mind is a high priority for me. This year I’m making time for the things that matter. I plan to work hard (writing more books & developing my websites and YouTube channels), train hard (both physically for a better body AND to improve my supernatural powers), and also to rest hard, and that means making time each day to relax for 1 or 2 hours doing the hobbies I enjoy. Last year in 2021 I made the mistake of not allowing myself time to just relax each day, and that caused my stress to increase and to not feel as happy or positive as I should have been. Relaxing (for example, whether that’s playing your favorite video game, reading a book, meditating, or playing sports) I feel is super-important to re-charge your batteries and to release any stress that may have come into your life. Lastly, I plan to develop and improve this website (ChrisZanetti.net) much more this year, adding more information and knowledge to help those training for supernatural powers. - Chris Zanetti 2 February 2022. 7:13am – Honestly, I didn’t do any flight training over the last couple of weeks because the universe has allowed me to take a little time to deeply reflect on my life, and honestly, telekinesis training has taken a priority, so yesterday (when I attempted flight) I was happy to know that my levitation/flight energy is still at near full capacity, because when I paused for a second (from my normal daily routine) and I stood straight and charged my energy as if to fly, like a rocket on a rocket pad, blasting its energy just before lift-off, everything (all the cells in my body) was firing perfectly so that I had the usual and familiar feeling that if my energy had been greater, then I would have lifted off the ground. I know I am not currently at the stage where I can actually lift off the ground and fly, and more energy is required for that, and that’s probably a combination of physical, mental, and spiritual energy. I’m happy that we are now into the month of February, as the energy feels more vibrant, cleaner, and lighter (as opposed to last month of January which felt heavy). The last couple of days I’ve been feeling more optimistic about this year and the future, whereas the last few months I had fallen off the path a little, finding myself a little lost and a little unsure of the direction of my life. It happens to all of us, where we get sidetracked or distracted (from our true path/destiny) from time to time, and the current world situation at the moment doesn’t make it any easier. I’m not a robot, and I struggle sometimes with the same issues that most humans do (and the same way Superman struggles with emotional issues in his heart). Anyway, despite all that, I’m determined and committed to bringing the ancient supernatural powers back to planet Earth. It is my lifelong mission. Some people expect me to rush and achieve flight or powerful telekinesis within a couple of years, but I know that learning how to fly and becoming a demigod is a process that takes time, and I know it could take another 10 or 20 years, because I’m realistic with my expectations. Luckily, I have patience on my side, and as long as I continue to follow the path that I believe in my heart is my true destiny, then I will feel happy and fulfilled each day.
- Chris Zanetti 1 February 2022.
6:45am - Recently, these last few weeks, I’ve been looking at my life and making some big decisions. These decisions involve sacrificing (cutting out) things in my life that give me happiness on some level, but it is true that these things have less importance in my life, when looking at the big picture of ultimately how I want my life to be. I don’t want a good life, I want a great life, and greatness requires sacrifice. If we know that we are not just human, but that we actually have demigod powers sleeping inside us, waiting to be awakened, then shouldn’t we strive to awaken those powers and manifest them into our reality? I believe it’s my duty in this lifetime to explore and discover what we are truly capable of. Of course, the path of developing amazing supernatural powers is not for everyone, and I can only speak for myself, which is why I don’t want to waste any more precious time on things that although I may enjoy, have a lesser importance in my life when compared with my highest goal of becoming a true master of the supernatural, and unleashing my demigod powers. I encourage you to take a look at your own life, and ask yourself ‘Am I happy to live an average life, or do I want to live a great life?’. I have already made the decisions for myself, and now, perhaps, it is time for you to make some big decisions in your own life too. - Chris Zanetti 5 January 2021. 5:25pm - Today I’ve been feeling like I’m starting to get into the groove of 2021. The energy this year is definitely different, and I know it will take me a few more weeks to get back into the swing of things. I should be releasing a new video on my Youtube channel in the next 2 days. It’s something special. I want to start 2021 off with a bang. I won’t say much more, but it may involve a red and blue costume (that’s if it fits me okay). Can any of you guess? The last few days I’ve been playing the Marvel's Spider-Man on PS4 (as a way to relax in my down-time after working and training hard, of course). I’ve had mixed feelings about it, but now it’s finally starting to grow on me, and I’m enjoying it more now. Yes! I do play video games and read books as a way to relax. I may be training for superhuman powers, but I’m still a normal human at the moment (or maybe not so normal), so cut me some slack. 😊 Among other projects, I’m currently working on a series of supernatural Mantra books (to help train the subconscious mind to develop superpowers) which will all be released this month, and the audio versions will be released a few weeks after. This year’s going to be so busy, but I’m determined to make it a great year. Before I sign off, I just want to say a BIG thanks to you guys for supporting me on my journey, and I really hope you’ll continue to support me into the future.
- Chris Zanetti 4 January 2021. 8:03am – I woke up much later than usual today. The weather is still slightly cold here early mornings. I know when the cold season is finished, I’ll be able to spring out of bed each morning much more easily. Yes, I have my usual coffee here with me as I write this. I didn’t upload any Youtube videos for almost a whole week. I’ve been thinking a lot about Youtube over the last few days. The last couple of weeks I was focused on trying to increase my Youtube views, which is why I had been posting short 1-minute exciting videos only. Although this seems to have been working, and now each video is getting 200 or 300 views (which is very good for my channel), I do not feel it is what I want. In order to increase my video views, I have been trying to follow what Youtube wants, and I have been trying to play to Youtube’s algorithm, and like I said, it has been working. But at what cost? I know my real fan’s and followers want to see more in-depth videos where I talk about topics relating to supernatural powers. So, I’ve come to the conclusion that I want to make the videos and content that I want to make, not what Youtube wants (I’m tired of trying to please Youtube’s algorithm). If I have to have less views on my videos, then so be it. This means that I’ll be going back to my old style where I upload videos more often, with longer videos. The last few weeks, some days I’ve really wanted to make a video talking about a certain topic, but I stopped myself because I knew Youtube’s algorithm would not appreciate it. I can’t be thinking like that! I need to be making videos that I know my followers will appreciate. That’s the most important thing.
So, like I said, the next few days I’ll be making a lot more videos just talking, like I used to, about various topics relating to developing superpowers. I will still be making an effort to improve the quality of my videos. In March I plan to purchase a much higher quality camera to shoot my Youtube videos, so some of you may be happy about that. Basically, what I’m trying to say is that I want to make interesting content for you guys, while still staying true to my heart, and not being a slave to Youtube’s algorithm. So let’s see what happens in the next few months 😊 - Chris Zanetti |
AuthorChris Zanetti. Archives
January 2025